@article{4879, author = {June Leigh and Jennifer Flynn}, title = {Enhance patient safety by identifying and minimizing risk exposures affecting nurse practitioner practice.}, abstract = {

A study analyzing closed professional liability claims against nurse practitioners over a 5-year period was completed by CNA and Nurses Service Organization (NSO). Of 200 closed claims, the average total incurred payment per claim was $285 645. The study identifies current liability patterns and trends and provides risk-control recommendations to enhance patient safety and minimize liability exposure. Study results indicate that while the number of nurse practitioner claims have been relatively stable over the past 5 years (2007-2011), the number of claims resulting in very severe indemnity payment have increased 19% since 2009. The data also show that many claims develop from a failure involving core competencies, such as treatment and care management, and medication prescribing. Allegations related to failure to diagnose and delay in making a correct diagnosis were found most frequently. The claims demonstrate that nurse practitioners are responsible for obtaining and documenting the results of appropriate tests, consultations, and overall need for medical intervention to meet the patient's medical needs.

}, year = {2013}, journal = {J Healthc Risk Manag}, volume = {33}, pages = {27-35}, month = {12/2013}, issn = {2040-0861}, doi = {10.1002/jhrm.21124}, language = {eng}, }