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National Healthcare Quality Week 2024

Created By: AHRQ
Date Created: October 15, 2024
Last Updated: January 21, 2025

To mark National Healthcare Quality Week, PSNet has curated this library to showcase our resources that highlight and support healthcare quality improvement.
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Primers (2)
Ulfat Shaikh, MD, MPH, FAAP |

The National Patient Safety Goals (NPSG) were developed in response to the high prevalence of preventable medical errors in the United States. This primer describes the NPSGs, how they relate to other goals and priorities... Read More

Patricia McGaffigan, MS, RN, CPPS; Cindy Manaoat Van, MHSA, CPPS; Sarah E. Mossburg, RN, PhD |

This piece focuses on the importance of patient safety following the end of the public health emergency and how organizations can move beyond the pandemic.

All Library Content (6)
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Carole Stockmeier, MHA, BS, Eric Thomas, MD, MPH, Merton Lee, PharmD, PhD, Sarah E. Mossburg, RN, PhD |
Carole Stockmeier photo

Carole Stockmeier, MHA, BS, is the Senior Vice President of Safety and Reliability Solutions at Press Ganey, with over 20 years of experience in safety science and high reliability organizations. We spoke to her about zero harm and patient safety.

Eric Thomas photo

Eric Thomas, MD, MPH, is the Director of the University of Texas Houston Memorial Hermann Center for Healthcare Quality and Safety and is Associate Dean for Healthcare Quality. We spoke to him about zero harm and patient safety.

Ulfat Shaikh, MD, MPH, FAAP |

The National Patient Safety Goals (NPSG) were developed in response to the high prevalence of preventable medical errors in the United States. This primer describes the NPSGs, how they relate to other goals and priorities established by national organizations, and how health care systems can use these goals to drive patient safety improvement efforts.

Patricia McGaffigan, MS, RN, CPPS; Cindy Manaoat Van, MHSA, CPPS; Sarah E. Mossburg, RN, PhD |

This piece focuses on the importance of patient safety following the end of the public health emergency and how organizations can move beyond the pandemic.

Patricia McGaffigan

Patricia McGaffigan is the Vice President for Safety Programs at the Institute for Healthcare Improvement and President of the Certification Board for Professionals in Patient Safety. We spoke to Patricia about patient safety trends and how patient safety will move beyond the pandemic.

During a time of unprecedented patient volume and clinical uncertainty, a diverse team of health system administrators and clinicians within the University of Pennsylvania Health System quickly investigated, updated, and disseminated airway management protocols after several airway safety incidents occurred among COVID-19 patients who were mechanically ventilated. Based on this experience, the team created the I-READI framework as a guide for healthcare systems to prepare for and quickly respond to quality and safety crises.1

Ulfat Shaikh, MD, MPH, MS |

This primer provides a broad overview of three widely used tools for investigating and responding to patient safety events and near misses. Tools covered in this primer are incident reporting systems, Root Cause Analysis (RCA), and Failure Modes and Effects Analysis (FMEA). These tools have been used in high-risk industries and occupations such as aviation, manufacturing, nuclear power, and the military and have been adapted for use in enhancing patient safety in healthcare settings over the past two decades.