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Improvement Resources Overview

Patient Safety Innovations highlight important innovations that can lead to improvements in patient safety, while Toolkits provide the practical applications of PSNet research and concepts for front line providers to use in their day to day work. Together these support the implementation of products, services, processes, systems, policies, organizational structures, or business models designed to make care safer.


The Patient Safety Innovations Exchange highlights important innovations that can lead to improvements in patient safety. It is based on AHRQ’s Health Care Innovations Exchange, which shares many health care innovations, including those that improve patient safety. While available for anyone to search, the Health Care Innovations Exchange has not had new content added since 2016. In order to preserve and update some of the patient safety content on the Health Care Innovations Exchange, select innovations are now being integrated with PSNet. Innovations are defined as “the implementation of new or altered products, services, processes, systems, policies, organizational structures, or business models that aim to improve one or more domains of health care quality or reduce health care disparities.”

The Rescue Improvement Conference (RIC)1 was designed at the University of Michigan to address failure to rescue with a particular focus on communication and complication management. Failure to rescue typically refers to a health system’s slow or... Read More


Patient safety toolkits provide practical applications of PSNet research and concepts for front line providers to use in their day to day work. These toolkits contain resources necessary to implement patient safety systems and protocols.