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Reducing hospital harm: establishing a command centre to foster situational awareness.

Collins B. Reducing hospital harm: establishing a command centre to foster situational awareness. Healthc Q. 2022;25(2):75-81. doi:10.12927/hcq.2022.26885.

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March 29, 2023
Collins B. Healthc Q. 2022;25(2):75-81.
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Situational awareness during complex care events, such as clinical deterioration, medication administration, or the admission process, is an important component of teamwork and high reliability.

This article describes the development and implementation of Command Centre – Generation 2 (CC2) at Canada’s Humber River Hospital, which is a fully digital hospital designed around the principles of high reliability and human factors science. The hospital previously implemented Command Centre – Generation 1 (CC1), which aimed to address patient access and flow issues. CC2 uses the tenets of situational awareness, predictive analytics, and real-time data to support early identification and real-time management of patients at risk of harm or clinical deterioration and to support the elimination of never events. CC2 uses tiles to create a visual display of predictive analytics and real-time data for clinicians to support clinical decision-making.

Since CC2 implementation in 2019, researchers have identified an association between CC2 tiles and lower rates of hospital harm. The hospital is currently developing Command Centre – Generation 3 (CC3), which will focus on supporting broader health and wellness, including virtual visits, home monitoring, patient access, and education.

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Collins B. Reducing hospital harm: establishing a command centre to foster situational awareness. Healthc Q. 2022;25(2):75-81. doi:10.12927/hcq.2022.26885.