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California doctors alarmed as state links their opioid prescriptions to deaths.

California doctors alarmed as state links their opioid prescriptions to deaths. Dembosky A. All Things Considered and KQED. January 23, 2019.

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February 6, 2019
Dembosky A. All Things Considered and KQED. January 23, 2019.
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Policy, practice, and communication strategies have been implemented in an effort to stem the opioid crisis and prescribing activities that contribute to misuse. This news article and accompanying webcast discuss an initiative in California that sends letters to prescribers whose patients have died due to opioid overdose. The piece outlines unintended consequences associated with the practice, including clinician reluctance to prescribe opioids for pain. An Annual Perspective discussed the patient safety aspects of the opioid epidemic.

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California doctors alarmed as state links their opioid prescriptions to deaths. Dembosky A. All Things Considered and KQED. January 23, 2019.