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Deriving ICD-10 codes for patient safety indicators for large-scale surveillance using administrative hospital data.

Southern DA, Burnand B, Droesler SE, et al. Deriving ICD-10 Codes for Patient Safety Indicators for Large-scale Surveillance Using Administrative Hospital Data. Med Care. 2017;55(3):252-260. doi:10.1097/MLR.0000000000000649.

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February 17, 2017
Southern DA, Burnand B, Droesler SE, et al. Med Care. 2017;55(3):252-260.
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AHRQ Patient Safety Indicators (PSIs) have been utilized to identify safety problems and suboptimal care quality in acute care settings using ICD-9 codes in administrative discharge data. Despite limitations in the accuracy of PSIs, they have been widely employed as a quality metric. The implementation of ICD-10 and diagnosis timing codes necessitate development of a new set of PSIs. This consensus and validation study used a Delphi panel process to determine ICD-10 codes associated with safety and quality concerns. Experts grouped the 640 identified diagnostic codes into 18 PSI categories. Application of these novel PSIs in over 10 years of hospital discharge data uncovered safety problems in 5% of hospitalizations. The authors recommend that these proposed PSIs should be further validated using record review or prospective case review.
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Southern DA, Burnand B, Droesler SE, et al. Deriving ICD-10 Codes for Patient Safety Indicators for Large-scale Surveillance Using Administrative Hospital Data. Med Care. 2017;55(3):252-260. doi:10.1097/MLR.0000000000000649.