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The effect of the fit between organizational culture and structure on medication errors in medical group practices.

Kaissi A, Kralewski J, Dowd B, et al. The effect of the fit between organizational culture and structure on medication errors in medical group practices. Health Care Manage Rev. 2007;32(1):12-21.

January 14, 2011
Kaissi A, Kralewski J, Dowd B, et al. Health Care Manage Rev. 2007;32(1):12-21.
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In this AHRQ–funded study, the investigators analyzed medication error and culture survey data from 78 medical group practices to assess organizational culture factors that contribute to error.


Kaissi A, Kralewski J, Dowd B, et al. The effect of the fit between organizational culture and structure on medication errors in medical group practices. Health Care Manage Rev. 2007;32(1):12-21.