Study Effects of sleep inertia on cognition. Citation Text: Wertz AT, Ronda JM, Czeisler CA, et al. Effects of sleep inertia on cognition. JAMA. 2006;295(2):163-4. Copy Citation Format: Google ScholarPubMedBibTeXEndNote X3 XMLEndNote 7 XMLEndnote taggedPubMedIdRIS Download Citation Save Save to your library Print Share Facebook Twitter Linkedin Copy URL February 3, 2011 Wertz AT, Ronda JM, Czeisler CA, et al. JAMA. 2006;295(2):163-4. View more articles from the same authors. This research letter reports on sleep inertia and how it can affect cognitive performance for individuals abruptly awoken and immediately required to make decisions. PubMed citation Available at Save Save to your library Print Share Facebook Twitter Linkedin Copy URL Cite Citation Citation Text: Wertz AT, Ronda JM, Czeisler CA, et al. Effects of sleep inertia on cognition. JAMA. 2006;295(2):163-4. Copy Citation Format: Google ScholarPubMedBibTeXEndNote X3 XMLEndNote 7 XMLEndnote taggedPubMedIdRIS Download Citation Related Resources From the Same Author(s) Recommendations for the safe, effective use of adaptive CDS in the US healthcare system: an AMIA position paper. April 21, 2021 How often do prescribers include indications in drug orders? Analysis of 4 million outpatient prescriptions. July 10, 2019 Changes in medical errors after implementation of a handoff program. November 12, 2014 Effect of restriction of the number of concurrently open records in an electronic health record on wrong-patient order errors: a randomized clinical trial. May 29, 2019 Analysis of clinical decision support system malfunctions: a case series and survey. December 4, 2016 Problem list completeness in electronic health records: a multi-site study and assessment of success factors. October 13, 2015 Structured override reasons for drug–drug interaction alerts in electronic health records. May 20, 2019 Analysis of variations in the display of drug names in computerized prescriber-order-entry systems. December 21, 2017 Outpatient CPOE orders discontinued due to 'erroneous entry': prospective survey of prescribers' explanations for errors. March 21, 2018 Computerized prescriber order entry–related patient safety reports: analysis of 2522 medication errors. October 13, 2018 View More Related Resources Prospective evaluation of consultant surgeon sleep deprivation and outcomes in more than 4000 consecutive cardiac surgical procedures. December 21, 2014 Persistent next-day effects of excessive alcohol consumption on laparoscopic surgical performance. December 21, 2014 Time of day effects on the incidence of anesthetic adverse events. March 28, 2011 The impact of the 80-hour resident workweek on surgical residents and attending surgeons. March 3, 2011 The effects of on-duty napping on intern sleep time and fatigue. March 2, 2011 Sleep deprivation and clinical performance. February 9, 2011 The 80-hour work guidelines and resident survey perceptions of quality. December 22, 2010 Work-hour restrictions as an ethical dilemma for residents. July 23, 2010 The effects of work-hour limitations on resident well-being, patient care, and education in an internal medicine residency program. July 10, 2008 Perceived impact of duty hours limits on the fragmentation of patient care: results from an academic health center. September 14, 2005 View More See More About The Topic Physicians Risk Managers Quality and Safety Professionals Fatigue and Sleep Deprivation Cognitive Errors ("Mistakes")
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Analysis of clinical decision support system malfunctions: a case series and survey. December 4, 2016
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Persistent next-day effects of excessive alcohol consumption on laparoscopic surgical performance. December 21, 2014
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