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Enhancing safety in high-risk operations: a multilevel analysis of the role of mindful organising in translating safety climate into individual safety behaviours.

Renecle M, Curcuruto M, Gracia Lerín FJ, et al. Enhancing safety in high-risk operations: a multilevel analysis of the role of mindful organising in translating safety climate into individual safety behaviours. Saf Sci. 2021;138:105197. doi:10.1016/j.ssci.2021.105197.

April 14, 2021
Renecle M, Curcuruto M, Gracia Lerín FJ, et al. Saf Sci. 2021;138:105197.
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Mindful organizing is a key feature of high reliability organizations. This article explores the contextual, team level variables important for fostering mindful organizing, how individuals and teams engage mindful organizing to ensure safety, and the mediating effect of mindful organizing between safety climate and individual safety behavior.


Renecle M, Curcuruto M, Gracia Lerín FJ, et al. Enhancing safety in high-risk operations: a multilevel analysis of the role of mindful organising in translating safety climate into individual safety behaviours. Saf Sci. 2021;138:105197. doi:10.1016/j.ssci.2021.105197.

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