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To Err Is Human — To Delay Is Deadly.

To Err Is Human — To Delay Is Deadly. Jewell K, McGiffert L. Austin, TX: Consumers Union; 2009.

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June 3, 2009
Jewell K, McGiffert L. Austin, TX: Consumers Union; 2009.
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The 10 years since the release of the Institute of Medicine's To Err Is Human report have yielded some improvements in patient safety, but this Consumers Union report reminds clinicians and consumers alike that much work remains to be done. As the report notes, preventable safety problems such as medication errors and health care–associated infections still cause significant morbidity and mortality, despite the existence of effective preventive strategies. The report advocates for standardized measurement and public reporting of errors and calls for tighter accreditation standards for health care professionals.

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To Err Is Human — To Delay Is Deadly. Jewell K, McGiffert L. Austin, TX: Consumers Union; 2009.