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Newspaper/Magazine Article

Families are struggling to use medicines at home — we must truly involve them in their own safety.

Families are struggling to use medicines at home — we must truly involve them in their own safety. Morris S, O’Hara J. Pharmacuetical Journal. February 26, 2021.

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March 10, 2021

Morris S, O’Hara J. Pharmacuetical Journal. February 26, 2021.

It is a challenge to track medical errors that take place in the home environment, yet it is understood they happen and can cause harm. This article discusses errors that parents make in providing medications to their children. The authors advocate for engaging parents as partners to improve care safety in the home.

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Families are struggling to use medicines at home — we must truly involve them in their own safety. Morris S, O’Hara J. Pharmacuetical Journal. February 26, 2021.