A family-centered rounds checklist, family engagement, and patient safety: a randomized trial.
Cox E, Jacobsohn GC, Rajamanickam VP, et al. A Family-Centered Rounds Checklist, Family Engagement, and Patient Safety: A Randomized Trial. Pediatrics. 2017;139(5). doi:10.1542/peds.2016-1688.
Family-centered rounding is a key patient engagement strategy for hospitalized children. In this cluster-randomized trial that included nearly 300 families, 2 pediatric inpatient services implemented a checklist to promote family-centered rounding and 2 services provided usual care. Through observation of video-recordings, investigators determined that teams who were given a checklist were more likely to ask families if they had questions and to read back provider orders for confirmation. Although families' perceptions of safety climate improved with checklist implementation, overall quality and safety ratings between the checklist and usual care groups were similar. This trial provides evidence that performing certain elements of the checklist, such as read back, can modestly enhance patient and family engagement.