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High rate of implementation of proposed actions for improvement with the Healthcare Failure Mode Effect Analysis method: evaluation of 117 analyses.

Öhrn A, Ericsson C, Andersson C, et al. High Rate of Implementation of Proposed Actions for Improvement With the Healthcare Failure Mode Effect Analysis Method: Evaluation of 117 Analyses. J Patient Saf. 2018;14(1):17-20. doi:10.1097/PTS.0000000000000159.

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February 21, 2018
Öhrn A, Ericsson C, Andersson C, et al. J Patient Saf. 2018;14(1):17-20.
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Failure mode effect analysis is a widely used method of prospectively detecting safety hazards, but evidence of its effectiveness is lacking. This study of 117 FMEAs from 3 hospitals in Sweden found that the recommended safety interventions were implemented in more than three-quarters of cases within a few years.
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Öhrn A, Ericsson C, Andersson C, et al. High Rate of Implementation of Proposed Actions for Improvement With the Healthcare Failure Mode Effect Analysis Method: Evaluation of 117 Analyses. J Patient Saf. 2018;14(1):17-20. doi:10.1097/PTS.0000000000000159.