How can specialist investigation agencies inform system-wide learning for patient safety? A qualitative study of perspectives on the early years of the English Healthcare Safety Investigation Branch.
Crompton A, Waring J, Macrae C, et al. How can specialist investigation agencies inform system-wide learning for patient safety? A qualitative study of perspectives on the early years of the English healthcare safety investigation branch. J Health Serv Res Policy. 2024;Epub Nov 5. doi:10.1177/13558196241291816.
The UK's Healthcare Safety Investigation Branch (HSIB)—rebranded as the Health Services Safety Investigation Body in October 2023—conducted independent investigations of patient safety incidents in the NHS and recommended systemwide improvements. This article describes the challenges associated with the implementation and development of the HSIB. Challenges included independence and fit within the wider system, the selection and scope of investigations, the methodology and investigation approach, and the skill and competencies of investigators.