Implementation of barcode medication administration (BMCA) technology on infusion pumps in the operating rooms.
Hogerwaard M, Stolk M, Dijk L van, et al. Implementation of barcode medication administration (BMCA) technology on infusion pumps in the operating rooms. BMJ Open Qual. 2023;12(2):e002023. doi:10.1136/bmjoq-2022-002023.
Barcode medication administration (BCMA) technology is a useful tool to reduce medication administration errors (MAE) in the operating room. This study used a pre-post design to estimate the rate of MAE before and after BCMA implementation on infusion pumps. MAE were significantly reduced and up to 90% of errors were considered preventable, if the staff had utilized BCMA. Reasons for not using BCMA included unreadable barcodes, lack of time, and resistance to new processes.