Integrating patient safety and clinical pharmacy services into the care of a high-risk, ambulatory population: a collaborative approach.
Robbins CM, Stillwell T, Johnson D, et al. Integrating Patient Safety and Clinical Pharmacy Services Into the Care of a High-Risk, Ambulatory Population. J Patient Saf. 2013;9(2). doi:10.1097/pts.0b013e318281b879.
The Patient Safety and Clinical Pharmacy Services Collaborative aims to improve the care delivered to high-risk patients at safety-net and community-based organizations by implementing evidence-based clinical pharmacy services. This article reports the program's impact over the course of 54 Plan-Do-Study-Act cycles at Lincoln Community Health Center. Systematic changes that integrated patient safety and clinical pharmacy services resulted in improvements in all of the targeted outcomes, including medication reconciliation and obesity screening. These efforts support pharmacists' fundamental role in working collaboratively to promote patient safety.