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Leapfrog Hospital Safety Score, Magnet designation, and healthcare-associated infections in United States hospitals.

Pakyz AL, Wang H, Ozcan YA, et al. Leapfrog Hospital Safety Score, Magnet Designation, and Healthcare-Associated Infections in United States Hospitals. J Patient Saf. 2021;17(6):445-450. doi:10.1097/PTS.0000000000000378.

May 17, 2017
Pakyz AL, Wang H, Ozcan YA, et al. J Patient Saf. 2021;17(6):445-450.
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Health care–associated infections (HAIs) are a preventable safety problem. This cross-sectional study looked at hospital factors related to HAI incidence. Investigators explored whether the Leapfrog Hospital Safety Score, a composite safety score calculated from publicly reported measures, is associated with HAIs. They also examined the incidence of HAIs in hospitals with Magnet status, conferred by a nurses' trade association in recognition of a positive nursing work environment. Lower Leapfrog safety scores were associated with more Clostridium difficile infections but no differences in other HAIs, and Magnet status was associated with lower rates of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus infection but worse than expected performance on C. difficile infections. These mixed results do not indicate a strong or consistent relationship between global measures of safety and quality and specific adverse events. A past PSNet interview with Leah Binder, President and CEO of The Leapfrog Group, discussed the development of the Hospital Safety Score.


Pakyz AL, Wang H, Ozcan YA, et al. Leapfrog Hospital Safety Score, Magnet Designation, and Healthcare-Associated Infections in United States Hospitals. J Patient Saf. 2021;17(6):445-450. doi:10.1097/PTS.0000000000000378.

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