Nurses' and nursing assistants' perceptions of patient safety culture in nursing homes.
Hughes C, Lapane KL. Nurses' and nursing assistants' perceptions of patient safety culture in nursing homes. Int J Qual Health Care. 2006;18(4):281-6.
This Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ)–supported study discovered a need to better address safety culture in nursing homes, drawing on findings from a self-reported survey. Investigators surveyed more than 360 nurses and 630 nursing assistants on different aspects of safety. These included overall safety perception, teamwork within units, communication, actions promoting safety, and support for patient safety. Although the findings suggest areas for improvement, the authors appropriately point out that their modified tool wasn't designed specifically for nursing homes. This setting creates unique challenges but also affects elderly patients who tend to be at higher risk for adverse events, making safety initiatives critical.