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Newspaper/Magazine Article

Over-the-top risky: overuse of ADC overrides, removal of drugs without an order, and use of non-profiled cabinets.

Over-the-top risky: overuse of ADC overrides, removal of drugs without an order, and use of non-profiled cabinets. ISMP Medication Safety Alert! Acute Care Edition. October 24, 2019.

November 13, 2019
ISMP Medication Safety Alert! Acute Care Edition. October 24, 2019.

Automated dispensing cabinets (ADCs) have been implemented in hospitals to improve drug administration safety, but with misuse, can cause patient harm. This newsletter article focuses on three primary ADC user-related problems and offers recommendations for reducing factors that minimize their safe use.


Over-the-top risky: overuse of ADC overrides, removal of drugs without an order, and use of non-profiled cabinets. ISMP Medication Safety Alert! Acute Care Edition. October 24, 2019.