Paediatric medication incident reporting: a multicentre comparison study of medication errors identified at audit, detected by staff and reported to an incident system.
Li L, Badgery-Parker T, Merchant A, et al. Paediatric medication incident reporting: a multicentre comparison study of medication errors identified at audit, detected by staff and reported to an incident system. BMJ Qual Saf. 2024;Epub Apr 15. doi:10.1136/bmjqs-2023-016711.
Errors and near misses reported to incident reporting systems (IRS) provide valuable information, but studies have shown errors frequently go unreported. In this study of medication errors in two children hospitals, out of 11,302 prescribing errors identified during audit, only 36 had been reported to the IRS; none of the 2,883 administration errors were reported to the IRS.