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Patient identification of diagnostic safety blindspots and participation in "good catches" through shared visit notes.

Bell SK, Bourgeois FC, Dong J, et al. Patient identification of diagnostic safety blindspots and participation in "good catches" through shared visit notes. Milbank Q. 2022;100(4):1121-1165. doi:10.1111/1468-0009.12593.

January 18, 2023
Bell SK, Bourgeois FC, Dong J, et al. Milbank Q. 2022;100(4):1121-1165.
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Patients who access their electronic health record (EHR) through a patient portal have identified clinically relevant errors such as allergies, medications, or diagnostic errors. This study focused on patient-identified diagnostic safety blind spots in ambulatory care clinical notes. The largest category of blind spots was diagnostic misalignment. Many patients indicated they reported the errors to the clinicians, suggesting shared notes may increase patient and family engagement in safety.


Bell SK, Bourgeois FC, Dong J, et al. Patient identification of diagnostic safety blindspots and participation in "good catches" through shared visit notes. Milbank Q. 2022;100(4):1121-1165. doi:10.1111/1468-0009.12593.

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