Physician transition of care: benefits of I-PASS and an electronic handoff system in a community pediatric residency program.
Walia J, Qayumi Z, Khawar N, et al. Physician Transition of Care: Benefits of I-PASS and an Electronic Handoff System in a Community Pediatric Residency Program. Acad Pediatr. 2016;16(6):519-23. doi:10.1016/j.acap.2016.04.001.
The I-PASS standardized handoff protocol is considered the gold standard for inpatient handoffs, having been shown to reduce adverse events among hospitalized patients. In this study, implementation of I-PASS within an electronic medical record resulted in an improvement in handoff quality among pediatric residents. A recent PSNet interview discussed handoffs and the implementation and findings of the landmark I-PASS study.