Study Physicians and electronic health records: a statewide survey. Citation Text: Simon SR, Kaushal R, Cleary PD, et al. Physicians and electronic health records: a statewide survey. Arch Intern Med. 2007;167(5):507-12. Copy Citation Format: Google ScholarPubMedBibTeXEndNote X3 XMLEndNote 7 XMLEndnote taggedPubMedIdRIS Download Citation Save Save to your library Print Share Facebook Twitter Linkedin Copy URL July 10, 2008 Simon SR, Kaushal R, Cleary PD, et al. Arch Intern Med. 2007;167(5):507-12. View more articles from the same authors. The investigators surveyed Massachusetts physicians and found great variability in the functions that electronic health record (EHR) systems provide as well as in how physicians use them. PubMed citation Free full text Save Save to your library Print Share Facebook Twitter Linkedin Copy URL Cite Citation Citation Text: Simon SR, Kaushal R, Cleary PD, et al. Physicians and electronic health records: a statewide survey. Arch Intern Med. 2007;167(5):507-12. Copy Citation Format: Google ScholarPubMedBibTeXEndNote X3 XMLEndNote 7 XMLEndnote taggedPubMedIdRIS Download Citation Related Resources From the Same Author(s) Ambulatory prescribing errors among community-based providers in two states. March 4, 2015 Are physicians' perceptions of healthcare quality and practice satisfaction affected by errors associated with electronic health record use? December 31, 2014 Electronic health records and malpractice claims in office practice. February 15, 2011 The Critical Care Safety Study: the incidence and nature of adverse events and serious medical errors in intensive care. June 29, 2009 Effect of reducing interns' work hours on serious medical errors in intensive care units. February 18, 2011 Communication factors in the follow-up of abnormal mammograms. February 24, 2011 Outpatient prescribing errors and the impact of computerized prescribing. February 24, 2011 Overcoming barriers to adopting and implementing computerized physician order entry systems in U.S. hospitals. May 27, 2011 A controlled trial of smart infusion pumps to improve medication safety in critically ill patients. February 27, 2009 Computerized prescriber order entry–related patient safety reports: analysis of 2522 medication errors. October 13, 2018 View More Related Resources Patient Safety Innovations Ambulatory Safety Nets to Reduce Missed and Delayed Diagnoses of Cancer July 31, 2023 Danger in discharge summaries: abbreviations create confusion for both author and recipient. May 31, 2023 Electronic health records, communication, and data sharing: challenges and opportunities for improving the diagnostic process. August 14, 2019 Assessment of patient medication adherence, medical record accuracy, and medication blood concentrations for prescription and over-the-counter medications. November 28, 2018 Improving communication with primary care physicians at the time of hospital discharge. March 25, 2017 High-priority drug–drug interactions for use in electronic health records. December 31, 2014 Information overload and missed test results in electronic health record–based settings. December 21, 2014 Pharmacovigilance using clinical notes. June 3, 2013 Medication errors with electronic prescribing (eP): two views of the same picture. April 14, 2011 Evaluation of a physician informatics tool to improve patient handoffs. March 4, 2011 View More See More About The Topic Physicians Health Care Executives and Administrators Information Professionals Internal Medicine Electronic Health Records
Are physicians' perceptions of healthcare quality and practice satisfaction affected by errors associated with electronic health record use? December 31, 2014
The Critical Care Safety Study: the incidence and nature of adverse events and serious medical errors in intensive care. June 29, 2009
Effect of reducing interns' work hours on serious medical errors in intensive care units. February 18, 2011
Overcoming barriers to adopting and implementing computerized physician order entry systems in U.S. hospitals. May 27, 2011
A controlled trial of smart infusion pumps to improve medication safety in critically ill patients. February 27, 2009
Computerized prescriber order entry–related patient safety reports: analysis of 2522 medication errors. October 13, 2018
Patient Safety Innovations Ambulatory Safety Nets to Reduce Missed and Delayed Diagnoses of Cancer July 31, 2023
Danger in discharge summaries: abbreviations create confusion for both author and recipient. May 31, 2023
Electronic health records, communication, and data sharing: challenges and opportunities for improving the diagnostic process. August 14, 2019
Assessment of patient medication adherence, medical record accuracy, and medication blood concentrations for prescription and over-the-counter medications. November 28, 2018
Improving communication with primary care physicians at the time of hospital discharge. March 25, 2017
Information overload and missed test results in electronic health record–based settings. December 21, 2014