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Newspaper/Magazine Article

Prescribing errors in children: why they happen and how to prevent them.

Conn R, Fox A, Carrington A, et al. Prescribing errors in children: why they happen and how to prevent them. Pharmaceutical Journal. 2023;310:7973. doi:10.1211/pj.2023.1.184013.

June 14, 2023
Conn R, Fox A, Carrington A, et al. Pharmaceutical Journal. 2023;310:7973.
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Children are particularly vulnerable to medication errors. Weight- and age-based dosing, different medication formulations, and miscommunication with parents and caregivers contribute to errors. Data-driven education and peer feedback have been noted as effective strategies to reduce prescribing errors.


Conn R, Fox A, Carrington A, et al. Prescribing errors in children: why they happen and how to prevent them. Pharmaceutical Journal. 2023;310:7973. doi:10.1211/pj.2023.1.184013.

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