The preventable proportion of healthcare-associated infections 2005-2016: systematic review and meta-analysis.
Schreiber PW, Sax H, Wolfensberger A, et al. The preventable proportion of healthcare-associated infections 2005-2016: Systematic review and meta-analysis. Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol. 2018;39(11):1277-1295. doi:10.1017/ice.2018.183.
Health care–associated infections (HAIs) represent a significant source of preventable harm to patients. Targeted interventions have been shown to be effective in decreasing HAIs and events once deemed unavoidable, such as central line–associated bloodstream infections, are now considered preventable. In this systematic review and meta-analysis, investigators sought to determine the proportion of HAIs prevented by infection control efforts across countries of different income levels. From the 144 studies ultimately included in the analysis, they found that implementation of evidence-based interventions was associated with an overall reduction in HAIs and that there was no relationship to the financial status of the country in which the study was conducted. A past PSNet perspective discussed infection prevention and patient safety.