Study Rapid response teams: qualitative analysis of their effectiveness. Citation Text: Leach LS, Mayo AM. Rapid response teams: qualitative analysis of their effectiveness. Am J Crit Care. 2013;22(3):198-210. doi:10.4037/ajcc2013990. Copy Citation Format: DOIGoogle ScholarPubMedBibTeXEndNote X3 XMLEndNote 7 XMLEndnote taggedPubMedIdRIS Download Citation Save Save to your library Print Share Facebook Twitter Linkedin Copy URL June 19, 2013 Leach LS, Mayo AM. Am J Crit Care. 2013;22(3):198-210. View more articles from the same authors. Rather than looking at rapid response team outcomes, which have been widely studied, this article examined their effect on teamwork. PubMed citation Available at Save Save to your library Print Share Facebook Twitter Linkedin Copy URL Cite Citation Citation Text: Leach LS, Mayo AM. Rapid response teams: qualitative analysis of their effectiveness. Am J Crit Care. 2013;22(3):198-210. doi:10.4037/ajcc2013990. Copy Citation Format: DOIGoogle ScholarPubMedBibTeXEndNote X3 XMLEndNote 7 XMLEndnote taggedPubMedIdRIS Download Citation Related Resources From the Same Author(s) How RNs rescue patients: a qualitative study of RNs' perceived involvement in rapid response teams. November 2, 2010 Operational failures detected by frontline acute care nurses. July 5, 2017 An educational intervention to increase "speaking-up" behaviors in nurses and improve patient safety. November 4, 2012 Defining attributes of patient safety through a concept analysis. October 12, 2015 Nurse–physician teamwork in the emergency department: impact on perceptions of job environment, autonomy, and control over practice. May 8, 2013 Assessing the performance of surgical teams. March 11, 2009 Physician and nurse well-being and preferred interventions to address burnout in hospital practice: factors associated with turnover, outcomes, and patient safety. July 19, 2023 Patient safety curriculum for surgical residency programs: results of a national consensus conference. August 26, 2011 Creating a nurse-led culture to minimize horizontal violence in the acute care setting: a multi-interventional approach. May 11, 2016 Description and evaluation of an interprofessional patient safety course for health professions and related sciences students. July 14, 2010 View More Related Resources Physician attitudes toward family-activated medical emergency teams for hospitalized children. November 21, 2016 Using crew resource management and a 'read-and-do checklist' to reduce failure-to-rescue events on a step-down unit. September 12, 2016 Rapid response teams and failure to rescue: one community's experience. September 12, 2016 Impact of rapid response system implementation on critical deterioration events in children. August 2, 2015 Developing a medical emergency team running sheet to improve clinical handoff and documentation. January 19, 2014 Delayed medical emergency team calls and associated outcomes. January 9, 2014 The impact of rapid response team on outcome of patients transferred from the ward to the ICU: a single-center study. October 4, 2013 Sustained effectiveness of a primary-team-based rapid response system. October 12, 2012 Rapid response systems: a prospective study of response times. December 1, 2011 Problems and solutions arising during a study in visual semantics of the medical emergency team system. December 1, 2008 View More See More About The Topic Hospitals Health Care Executives and Administrators Organizational Behaviorists Critical Care General Internal Medicine View More
How RNs rescue patients: a qualitative study of RNs' perceived involvement in rapid response teams. November 2, 2010
An educational intervention to increase "speaking-up" behaviors in nurses and improve patient safety. November 4, 2012
Nurse–physician teamwork in the emergency department: impact on perceptions of job environment, autonomy, and control over practice. May 8, 2013
Physician and nurse well-being and preferred interventions to address burnout in hospital practice: factors associated with turnover, outcomes, and patient safety. July 19, 2023
Patient safety curriculum for surgical residency programs: results of a national consensus conference. August 26, 2011
Creating a nurse-led culture to minimize horizontal violence in the acute care setting: a multi-interventional approach. May 11, 2016
Description and evaluation of an interprofessional patient safety course for health professions and related sciences students. July 14, 2010
Physician attitudes toward family-activated medical emergency teams for hospitalized children. November 21, 2016
Using crew resource management and a 'read-and-do checklist' to reduce failure-to-rescue events on a step-down unit. September 12, 2016
Impact of rapid response system implementation on critical deterioration events in children. August 2, 2015
Developing a medical emergency team running sheet to improve clinical handoff and documentation. January 19, 2014
The impact of rapid response team on outcome of patients transferred from the ward to the ICU: a single-center study. October 4, 2013
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