Results and lessons from a hospital-wide initiative incentivised by delivery system reform to improve infection prevention and sepsis care.
Sreeramoju P, Voy-Hatter K, White C, et al. Results and lessons from a hospital-wide initiative incentivised by delivery system reform to improve infection prevention and sepsis care. BMJ Open Qual. 2021;10(1):e001189. doi:10.1136/bmjoq-2020-001189.
Healthcare-associated infections (HAIs) and community-acquired sepsis can result in significant patient harm. This article describes one large academic hospital’s experience implementing a hospital-wide initiate to reduce HAIs and improve sepsis care. Key components of the initiative included an awareness campaign and clinician engagement, implementation of HAI and sepsis bundles, electronic health record-based clinical decision support, and education and training. Over a five-year period, the initiative lowered HAI rates, reduced sepsis mortality, and improved safety culture.