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Review article: improving the hospital clinical handover between paramedics and emergency department staff in the deteriorating patient.

Dawson S, King L, Grantham H. Review article: Improving the hospital clinical handover between paramedics and emergency department staff in the deteriorating patient. Emerg Med Australas. 2015;25(5):393-405. doi:10.1111/1742-6723.12120.

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November 13, 2013
Dawson S, King L, Grantham H. Emerg Med Australas. 2015;25(5):393-405.
View more articles from the same authors.

Handoffs between care settings can lead to adverse events. This literature review analyzed 17 studies of handoffs between prehospital first responders and emergency department (ED) staff. Safety gaps detected included communication barriers, lack of a structured communication tool, and unclear identification of the receiving clinical staff. The authors suggest that a structured handoff tool could improve first responder–ED handoffs. A past AHRQ WebM&M commentary discussed communication failures between providers and highlighted a need for standard handoff protocols.

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Dawson S, King L, Grantham H. Review article: Improving the hospital clinical handover between paramedics and emergency department staff in the deteriorating patient. Emerg Med Australas. 2015;25(5):393-405. doi:10.1111/1742-6723.12120.

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