Risk Evaluation and Mitigation Strategy (REMS) Programs and Medication Safety: Parts I and II.
Risk Evaluation and Mitigation Strategy (REMS) Programs and Medication Safety: Parts I and II. ISMP Medication Safety Alert! Acute care edition. July 13, 2023;(4):1-3;July 27, 2023;(5):1-5.
ISMP Medication Safety Alert! Acute care edition. July 13, 2023;(4):1-3;July 27, 2023;(5):1-5.
Risk Evaluation and Mitigation Strategy (REMS) programs help to ensure the safe use of distinct medications through communication, patient information, and implementation support. Part I of this article series examines systemic barriers to the deployment of REMS as a strategy to decrease potential for drug-related harm and medication error. Part II looks at the processes that one health system used to implement REMS.