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Newspaper/Magazine Article

Safety for all: integrated design for inpatient units.

Safety for all: integrated design for inpatient units. Hunt JM, Sine DM. Patient Saf Qual Healthc. May/June 2016;13:20-28.

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June 22, 2016
Hunt JM, Sine DM. Patient Saf Qual Healthc. May/June 2016;13:20-28.
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Design is emerging as an important tactic to augment safe care delivery. Hospitals that provide care for psychiatric patients must make unique considerations to protect this vulnerable population from harming themselves and other individuals that come into contact with them. This magazine article provides recommendations for hospitals to enhance room and fixture designs to reduce risks for mental health patients.

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Safety for all: integrated design for inpatient units. Hunt JM, Sine DM. Patient Saf Qual Healthc. May/June 2016;13:20-28.