Review Simulation-based training for patient safety: 10 principles that matter. Citation Text: Salas E, Wilson KA, Lazzara EH, et al. Simulation-Based Training for Patient Safety. J Patient Saf. 2008;4(1). doi:10.1097/pts.0b013e3181656dd6. Copy Citation Format: DOIGoogle ScholarBibTeXEndNote X3 XMLEndNote 7 XMLEndnote taggedPubMedIdRIS Download Citation Save Save to your library Print Share Facebook Twitter Linkedin Copy URL February 15, 2011 Salas E, Wilson KA, Lazzara EH, et al. J Patient Saf. 2008;4(1). View more articles from the same authors. This article discusses how an organization should prepare to implement simulation programs to improve patient safety and describes techniques for engaging staff, targeting the intervention, and evaluating effectiveness of the program. Available at Save Save to your library Print Share Facebook Twitter Linkedin Copy URL Cite Citation Citation Text: Salas E, Wilson KA, Lazzara EH, et al. Simulation-Based Training for Patient Safety. J Patient Saf. 2008;4(1). doi:10.1097/pts.0b013e3181656dd6. Copy Citation Format: DOIGoogle ScholarBibTeXEndNote X3 XMLEndNote 7 XMLEndnote taggedPubMedIdRIS Download Citation Related Resources From the Same Author(s) Debriefing medical teams: 12 evidence-based best practices and tips. January 2, 2017 The anatomy of health care team training and the state of practice: a critical review. July 2, 2014 What are the critical success factors for team training in health care? January 3, 2017 Validation of a teamwork perceptions measure to increase patient safety. August 27, 2014 Does teamwork improve performance in the operating room? A multilevel evaluation. March 21, 2017 The morbidity and mortality conference: opportunities for enhancing patient safety. February 9, 2022 Patient safety in the cardiac operating room: human factors and teamwork: a scientific statement from the American Heart Association. October 7, 2013 Communicating, coordinating, and cooperating when lives depend on it: tips for teamwork. January 6, 2017 Enabling a learning healthcare system with automated computer protocols that produce replicable and personalized clinician actions. August 4, 2021 Eight critical factors in creating and implementing a successful simulation program. March 20, 2014 View More Related Resources Does simulation training for acute care nurses improve patient safety outcomes: a systematic review to inform evidence-based practice. October 23, 2019 Technology-enhanced simulation for health professions education: a systematic review and meta-analysis. July 3, 2014 Is the skillset obtained in surgical simulation transferable to the operating theatre? February 19, 2014 Impact and implementation of simulation-based training for safety. January 8, 2014 Simulation exercises as a patient safety strategy: a systematic review. March 20, 2013 Does training with human patient simulation translate to improved patient safety and outcome? March 11, 2013 The use of simulation in healthcare: from systems issues, to team building, to task training, to education and high stakes examinations. August 2, 2012 The case for simulation as part of a comprehensive patient safety program. June 1, 2012 Simulation in obstetric anesthesia. January 4, 2012 What have we learned about interventions to reduce medical errors? April 1, 2010 View More See More About The Topic Health Care Executives and Administrators Educators Simulations
Patient safety in the cardiac operating room: human factors and teamwork: a scientific statement from the American Heart Association. October 7, 2013
Communicating, coordinating, and cooperating when lives depend on it: tips for teamwork. January 6, 2017
Enabling a learning healthcare system with automated computer protocols that produce replicable and personalized clinician actions. August 4, 2021
Does simulation training for acute care nurses improve patient safety outcomes: a systematic review to inform evidence-based practice. October 23, 2019
Technology-enhanced simulation for health professions education: a systematic review and meta-analysis. July 3, 2014
Is the skillset obtained in surgical simulation transferable to the operating theatre? February 19, 2014
Does training with human patient simulation translate to improved patient safety and outcome? March 11, 2013
The use of simulation in healthcare: from systems issues, to team building, to task training, to education and high stakes examinations. August 2, 2012