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Strengths and weaknesses in the diagnostic process of endometriosis from the patients' perspective: a focus group study.

van der Zanden M, de Kok L, Nelen WLDM, et al. Strengths and weaknesses in the diagnostic process of endometriosis from the patients’ perspective: a focus group study. Diagnosis (Berl). 2021;8(3):333-339. doi:10.1515/dx-2021-0043.

September 15, 2021
van der Zanden M, de Kok L, Nelen WLDM, et al. Diagnosis (Berl). 2021;8(3):333-339.
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Endometriosis is a common clinical condition that is often subject to missed or delayed diagnosis. This qualitative study explored patients’ perspectives on the diagnostic process of endometriosis. Findings suggest that the diagnosis of endometriosis is hindered by delayed consultation, inadequate understanding and appraisal of symptoms by general practitioners, and inadequate communication between patients and providers.


van der Zanden M, de Kok L, Nelen WLDM, et al. Strengths and weaknesses in the diagnostic process of endometriosis from the patients’ perspective: a focus group study. Diagnosis (Berl). 2021;8(3):333-339. doi:10.1515/dx-2021-0043.

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