Commentary Theorizing about systems: an ecological task for patient safety research. Citation Text: Marck PB. Theorizing About Systems. Clin Nurs Res. 2005;14(2). doi:10.1177/1054773804274255. Copy Citation Format: DOIGoogle ScholarBibTeXEndNote X3 XMLEndNote 7 XMLEndnote taggedPubMedIdRIS Download Citation Save Save to your library Print Share Facebook Twitter Linkedin Copy URL June 23, 2009 Marck PB. Clin Nurs Res. 2005;14(2). View more articles from the same authors. The author discusses an ecological approach to patient safety, one that views health care as a complex and vulnerable living system, and suggests applying principles from ecological restoration to strengthen systems and improve safety. Available at PubMed citation Save Save to your library Print Share Facebook Twitter Linkedin Copy URL Cite Citation Citation Text: Marck PB. Theorizing About Systems. Clin Nurs Res. 2005;14(2). doi:10.1177/1054773804274255. Copy Citation Format: DOIGoogle ScholarBibTeXEndNote X3 XMLEndNote 7 XMLEndnote taggedPubMedIdRIS Download Citation Related Resources From the Same Author(s) Building social capital in healthcare organizations: thinking ecologically for safer care. August 20, 2008 Seniors managing multiple medications: using mixed methods to view the home care safety lens. March 2, 2016 An integrative review of the current evidence on the relationship between hand hygiene interventions and the incidence of health care-associated infections. July 23, 2008 Medication administration technologies and patient safety: a mixed-method systematic review. September 9, 2011 Building safer systems by ecological design: using restoration science to develop a medication safety intervention. March 28, 2011 A randomized trial of a multifactorial strategy to prevent serious fall injuries. July 29, 2020 Effects of teamwork training on adverse outcomes and process of care in labor and delivery: a randomized controlled trial. January 12, 2011 To do no harm - and the most good - with AI in health care. March 13, 2024 Testing an intervention to improve health care worker well-being during the COVID-19 pandemic: a cluster randomized clinical trial. May 15, 2024 Medication-related hospital readmissions within 30 days of discharge: prevalence, preventability, type of medication errors and risk factors. May 26, 2021 View More Related Resources Burnout in healthcare: the case for organisational change. August 28, 2019 'Bad apples': time to redefine as a type of systems problem? December 30, 2014 Developing a 'critical' approach to patient and public involvement in patient safety in the NHS: learning lessons from other parts of the public sector? November 27, 2012 Culture, language, and patient safety: making the link. June 29, 2011 Safety in home care: a broadened perspective of patient safety. June 29, 2011 Ambiguity and workarounds as contributors to medical error. February 28, 2011 Integrating CUSP and TRIP to improve patient safety. November 24, 2010 The Preventable Harm Index: an effective motivator to facilitate the drive to zero. October 27, 2010 Patient safety: lessons learned. July 15, 2010 Disruptive clinician behavior: a persistent threat to patient safety. August 9, 2006 View More See More About The Topic Health Care Providers Health Care Executives and Administrators Organizational Behaviorists Culture of Safety
Building social capital in healthcare organizations: thinking ecologically for safer care. August 20, 2008
Seniors managing multiple medications: using mixed methods to view the home care safety lens. March 2, 2016
An integrative review of the current evidence on the relationship between hand hygiene interventions and the incidence of health care-associated infections. July 23, 2008
Medication administration technologies and patient safety: a mixed-method systematic review. September 9, 2011
Building safer systems by ecological design: using restoration science to develop a medication safety intervention. March 28, 2011
Effects of teamwork training on adverse outcomes and process of care in labor and delivery: a randomized controlled trial. January 12, 2011
Testing an intervention to improve health care worker well-being during the COVID-19 pandemic: a cluster randomized clinical trial. May 15, 2024
Medication-related hospital readmissions within 30 days of discharge: prevalence, preventability, type of medication errors and risk factors. May 26, 2021
Developing a 'critical' approach to patient and public involvement in patient safety in the NHS: learning lessons from other parts of the public sector? November 27, 2012