Use of a novel, electronic health record–centered, interprofessional ICU rounding simulation to understand latent safety issues.
Bordley J, Sakata KK, Bierman J, et al. Use of a Novel, Electronic Health Record-Centered, Interprofessional ICU Rounding Simulation to Understand Latent Safety Issues. Crit Care Med. 2018;46(10):1570-1576. doi:10.1097/CCM.0000000000003302.
The electronic health record has become an integral part of daily work in the intensive care unit, including interprofessional rounds. This study sought to test whether safety problems documented in a simulated patient electronic health record were recognized and discussed on rounds. Residents, nurses, and pharmacists conducted simulated rounds on the patient. Overall, about 69% of issues were detected. Residents identified more of the safety issues than nurses or pharmacists, but the teams recognized more issues than any of the individual disciplines did on their own. An accompanying editorial emphasizes the need for electronic health records to process data instead of serve as "bottomless collections of data."