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Benchmark Anonymous (not verified)
An attribute or achievement that serves as a standard for other providers or institutions to emulate. Benchmarks differ from other standard of care goals, in that they derive from empiric data—specifically, performance or outcomes data. For example, a statewide survey might produce risk-adjusted 30-day rates for death or other major adverse outcomes. After adjusting for relevant clinical factors, the top 10% of hospitals can be identified in terms of particular outcome measures. These institutions would then provide benchmark data on these outcomes. For instance, one might benchmark "door-to-balloon" time at 90 minutes, based on the observation that the top-performing hospitals all had door-to-balloon times in this range. In regard to infection control, benchmarks would typically be derived from national or regional data on the rates of relevant nosocomial infections. The lowest 10% of these rates might be regarded as benchmarks for other institutions to emulate.