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May 24, 2023 Weekly Issue

PSNet highlights the latest patient safety literature, news, and expert commentary, including Weekly Updates, WebM&M, and Perspectives on Safety. The current issue highlights what's new this week in patient safety literature, news, conferences, reports, and more. Past issues of the PSNet Weekly Update are available to browse. WebM&M presents current and past monthly issues of Cases & Commentaries and Perspectives on Safety.

This Week’s Featured Articles

Armstrong AA. J Healthc Qual. 2023;45(3):125-132.
Healthcare-acquired pressure injuries (HAPI) can result in increased lengths of stay, hospital readmissions, and lower quality of life. This article describes the experience of one hospital which, after it discovered it had higher-than-average HAPI rates, conducted a root cause analysis to determine contributing factors and identify potential solutions. Dedicated nursing staff were hired and trained, and an electronic health record form was developed to document and track HAPI. A root cause analysis was completed for each HAPI to identify trends and implement improvements.
Pugh S, Chan F, Han S, et al. J Nurs Adm. 2023;53(5):292-298.
The COVID-19 pandemic dramatically impacted the delivery of nursing care. This retrospective analysis examined the impact of a bedside checklist and nursing-led intervention bundle (“Nursing Back to Basics” or NB2B bundle) among patients hospitalized with COVID-19 at one academic hospital in New York City. The NB2B bundle, implemented with a bedside checklist, included five evidence-based interventions. Between March and April 2020, the NB2B intervention showed a 12% reduction in mortality due to COVID-19 compared with usual care.
White VanGompel E, Carlock F, Singh L, et al. J Obstet Gynecol Neonatal Nurs. 2023;52(3):211-222.
Cesarean delivery can lead to increased maternal morbidity and mortality. In this repeated cross-sectional study, physicians, nurses, and midwives were surveyed about their attitudes towards elective induction of labor before and after results were published from a large, randomized trial (Randomized Trial of Induction Versus Expectant Management, or ARRIVE) supporting elective inductions at 39 weeks to reduce the likelihood of a cesarean. Findings indicate that physician attitudes about induction shifted in favor of induction after ARRIVE, whereas nurse attitudes did not change. Qualitative analyses revealed four themes regarding attitudes towards induction- the importance of timing, identifying who should receive inductions, the need for clear protocols and more staff, and improvements to the induction of labor processes. 
Wiegand AA, Sheikh T, Zannath F, et al. BMJ Qual Saf. 2024;33(7):432-441.
Sexual and gender minority (SGM) patients may experience poor quality of healthcare due to stigma and discrimination. This qualitative study explored diagnostic challenges and the impact of diagnostic errors among 20 participants identifying as sexual minorities and/or gender minorities. Participants attribute diagnostic error to provider-level and personal challenges and how diagnostic error worsened health outcomes and led to disengagement from healthcare. The authors of this article also summarize patient-proposed solutions to diagnostic error through the use of inclusive language, increasing education and training on SGM topics, and inclusion of more SGM individuals in healthcare.
Riblet NB, Soncrant C, Mills PD, et al. Mil Med. 2023;188((9-10):e3173-e3181.
Patient suicide is a sentinel event, and suicide among veterans has gained attention. In this retrospective analysis of suicide-related events reported to the Veterans Health Administration (VHA) National Center for Patient Safety between January 2018 and June 2022, researchers found that deficiencies in mental health treatment, communication challenges, and unsafe environments were the most common contributors to suicide-related events.
Folcarelli P, Hoffman J, Janes M, et al. J Healthc Risk Manag. 2023;43(1):26-31.
Hospital mergers may improve some safety outcomes but also present challenges. This commentary describes how a third-party proactive risk assessment, ideally prior to the merger, can identify strengths and weaknesses of the organizations' safety cultures. The article describes an insurer-directed assessment, but other resources are also available, such as from the Institute for Healthcare Improvement National Action Plan.
White VanGompel E, Carlock F, Singh L, et al. J Obstet Gynecol Neonatal Nurs. 2023;52(3):211-222.
Cesarean delivery can lead to increased maternal morbidity and mortality. In this repeated cross-sectional study, physicians, nurses, and midwives were surveyed about their attitudes towards elective induction of labor before and after results were published from a large, randomized trial (Randomized Trial of Induction Versus Expectant Management, or ARRIVE) supporting elective inductions at 39 weeks to reduce the likelihood of a cesarean. Findings indicate that physician attitudes about induction shifted in favor of induction after ARRIVE, whereas nurse attitudes did not change. Qualitative analyses revealed four themes regarding attitudes towards induction- the importance of timing, identifying who should receive inductions, the need for clear protocols and more staff, and improvements to the induction of labor processes. 
Weiss M, Morrison EW, Szyld D. Front Psychol. 2023;14:1129359.
Psychological safety and willingness to speak up about safety concerns are cornerstone to safety culture. Using four clinical vignettes that described the same case in the Emergency Department but differed with respect to whether a nurse spoke up with treatment-related concerns or remained silent, researchers examined healthcare team members’ perspectives of psychological safety and discussed the importance of organizational and team leadership that encourages and supports speaking up behaviors.
Armstrong AA. J Healthc Qual. 2023;45(3):125-132.
Healthcare-acquired pressure injuries (HAPI) can result in increased lengths of stay, hospital readmissions, and lower quality of life. This article describes the experience of one hospital which, after it discovered it had higher-than-average HAPI rates, conducted a root cause analysis to determine contributing factors and identify potential solutions. Dedicated nursing staff were hired and trained, and an electronic health record form was developed to document and track HAPI. A root cause analysis was completed for each HAPI to identify trends and implement improvements.
Hyvämäki P, Sneck S, Meriläinen M, et al. Int J Med Inform. 2023;174:105045.
Insufficient or incorrect transfer of patient information, whether caused by human or organizational factors, can result in adverse events during transitions of care. This study used four years of incident reports to identify the types, causes, and consequences of health information exchange- (HIE) related patient safety incidents in emergency care, (ED) emergency medical services (EMS), or home care. The two main kinds of HIE-related incidents were (1) inadequate documentation and inadequate use of information (e.g., deficiencies in content), and (2) causes related to the health professional or organization; consequences were adverse events or additional actions to prevent, avoid, and correct adverse events.
Kepner S, Bingman C, Jones RM. Patient Saf. 2023;5(2):20-31.
Healthcare-associated infections remain a patient safety issue at long-term care facilities. Based on incident data from the Pennsylvania Patient Safety Reporting System (PA-PSRS), this analysis found that healthcare-associated infections in long-term care settings increased by 12.5% between 2021 and 2022; over half of this increase is due to an increase in respiratory and gastrointestinal infections.
Cohen TN, Berdahl CT, Coleman BL, et al. J Nurs Care Qual. 2024;39(1):51-57.
Institutional error and near-miss reporting helps identify systemic weaknesses and areas for improvement. COVID-19 presented a unique environment to study error reporting during organizationally stressful times. In this study, incident reports of medication errors or near misses during a COVID-19 surge were analyzed. Skill-based (e.g., forgetting to administer a dose) and communication errors were the most common medication safety events.
Shahrestanaki SK, Rafii F, Najafi Ghezeljeh T, et al. BMC Health Serv Res. 2023;23(1):467.
Home care settings have unique patient safety challenges. This qualitative study including home care clinicians, inspectors, and family caregivers in Iran highlights that the healthcare team plays an important role in creating and promoting safe home care, including the use of individual risk assessments and mitigation of risk factors.
Duffy C, Menon N, Horak D, et al. J Patient Saf. 2023;19(4):281-286.
Resiliency and proactive safety behaviors can improve safety in the perioperative environment. In this article, the authors describe safety attitudes of perioperative staff after participating in a proactive activity, One Safe Act (OSA). Most participants reported the OSA activity would change their work practices, improve their work unit's ability to deliver safe care, and demonstrate their colleagues' commitment to patient safety.
Pugh S, Chan F, Han S, et al. J Nurs Adm. 2023;53(5):292-298.
The COVID-19 pandemic dramatically impacted the delivery of nursing care. This retrospective analysis examined the impact of a bedside checklist and nursing-led intervention bundle (“Nursing Back to Basics” or NB2B bundle) among patients hospitalized with COVID-19 at one academic hospital in New York City. The NB2B bundle, implemented with a bedside checklist, included five evidence-based interventions. Between March and April 2020, the NB2B intervention showed a 12% reduction in mortality due to COVID-19 compared with usual care.
Jeffries M, Salema N-E, Laing L, et al. BMJ Open. 2023;13(4):e068798.
Clinical decision support (CDS) systems were developed to support safe medication ordering, alerting prescribers to potential unsafe interactions such as drug-drug, drug-allergy, and dosing errors. This study uses a sociotechnical framework to understand the relationship between primary care prescribers’ safety work and CDS. Prescribers described the usefulness of CDS but also noted alert fatigue.
Flemming DJ, White C, Fox E, et al. Skeletal Radiol. 2023;52(3):493-503.
Radiologic diagnostic errors can result in delayed or unnecessary treatment. This paper describes five types of cognitive biases, with accompanying case study and images, that result in misdiagnosis. Both individual education and system-level solutions are described.
Arnal-Velasco D, Heras-Hernando V. Curr Opin Anaesthesiol. 2023;36(3):376-381.
The Safety II framework and organizational resilience both focus on what goes right in healthcare and adjusting to disturbances through anticipation, monitoring, responding, and learning. This narrative review highlights recent research conducted within a Safety II and resilience framework such as Learning from Excellence and debriefing "what went right" after simulation training. The authors suggest learning from errors or what goes right should be reframed simply as learning.
No results.
Newspaper/Magazine Article

Salvon-Harman J. Healthcare Executive. 2023;39(3):48-49.

A strong safety work environment is core to reliable care delivery and staff wellbeing. This article discusses how leadership should listen broadly, embody accountability, support disclosure, and build trust to build a robust safety culture.

Tahir D. KFF Health News. May 12, 2023.

Real-time use of artificial intelligence (AI) in health care settings continues to cause concern despite its potential to improve care. This article examines current efforts to develop AI applications for health care and the reasons for oversight to protect privacy, reduce bias, and prevent misinformation.

Massachusetts Protection and Advocacy. Boston, MA:  Disability Law Center; May 8, 2023.

Behavioral health patients present unique challenges in their care that can contribute to unintended harm. The analysis examines a delayed diagnosis, referral, and treatment of skin cancer that contributed to the death of a patient. Suggestions for improvement included conducting a root cause analysis to identify systemic problems, use of photography to track skin lesion progression, and implementation of a warm handoff process to improve staff communication.

Epsom and St Helier University Hospitals. Epsom, UK: National Health Service; March 21, 2023.

The Systems Engineering Initiative for Patient Safety (SEIPS) framework is an established human factors-based approach to designing care system improvements. This video introduces the concepts behind SEIPS and uses an everyday non-clinical activity to illustrate its use for a broad audience to identify problems.

Patel J. PM Healthcare Journal. Spring 2023(4):5-18.

Language discordance is known to degrade medication safety. The article discusses an examination of English pharmacists’ reactions and responses to language barriers with patients. The results highlight the need for improved training and support for pharmacists to effectively dispense medications and counsel patients with whom they don’t share a common language.

This Month’s WebM&Ms

WebM&M Cases
Spotlight Case
Commentary by Michael Leonardo Amashta, MD, and David K. Barnes, MD, FACEP |
This case involves a procedural sedation error in a 3-year-old patient who presented to the Emergency Department with a left posterior hip dislocation. The commentary summarizes the indications and risks of procedural sedation in non-surgical settings and highlights the value of implementing system-wide safety protocols and practices to prevent medication administration errors during high-risk procedures.
WebM&M Cases
Charleen Singh, PhD, MSN/ED, FNP-BC, CWOCN, RN and Brent Luu, PharmD, BCACP |
This case represents a known but generally preventable complication of calcium chloride infusion, eventually necessitating surgical amputation of the patient’s left fourth (ring) finger. The commentary discusses the importance of correctly identifying IV fluids as irritants or vesicants, risks associated with the use of vesicants such as calcium chloride, and the role of early recognition of infiltration and extravasation and symptom management to minimize tissue damage and accelerate healing.
WebM&M Cases
Spotlight Case
Barbara Resnick, PhD, CRNP, and Marie Boltz, PhD, CRNP |
This Spotlight Case highlights two cases of falls in older patients in nursing homes. The commentary discusses how risk factors for falls should be considered in care planning and approaches to fall prevention in long-term care settings.

This Month’s Perspectives

Annual Perspective
Jawad Al-Khafaji, MD, MHSA, Merton Lee, PhD, PharmD, Sarah Mossburg, RN, PhD |
Throughout 2022, AHRQ PSNet has shared research that elucidates the complex nature of misdiagnosis and diagnostic safety. This Year in Review explores recent work in diagnostic safety and ways that greater safety may be promoted using tools developed to improve diagnostic practices.
Drs. Susan McGrath and George Blike discuss surveillance monitoring and its challenges and opportunities.
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PSNet highlights the latest patient safety literature, news, and expert commentary, including Weekly Updates, WebM&M, and Perspectives on Safety. Sign up today to get weekly and monthly updates via emails!