Global Patient Safety Action Plan 2021-2030: Towards Eliminating Avoidable Harm in Health Care.
Global Patient Safety Action Plan 2021-2030: Towards Eliminating Avoidable Harm in Health Care. Geneva, Switzerland: World Health Organization; 2021. ISBN: 9789240032705.
Geneva, Switzerland: World Health Organization; 2021. ISBN: 9789240032705.
The World Health Organization has released the Global Action Safety Plan 2021-2030. This plan provides strategic policy and implementation direction for a wide range of clinical and governmental organizations who work with patient safety. The plan has seven strategic objectives – (1) policies to eliminate avoidable harm, (2) high-reliability systems, (3) safety of clinical processes, (4) patient and family engagement, (5) health worker education, skills, and safety, (6) information, research, and risk management, and (7) synergy, partnership, and solidarity