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Newspaper/Magazine Article

Ensuring competency and safety when onboarding newly hired professional staff.

Ensuring competency and safety when onboarding newly hired professional staff. ISMP Medication Safety Alert! Acute care edition. April 20, 2023;28(8):1-4; May 4, 2023;23(9):1-3.

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May 3, 2023

ISMP Medication Safety Alert! Acute care edition. April 20, 2023;28(8):1-4; May 4, 2023;23(9):1-3.

Psychological safety is required for clinicians to ask questions as they adjust to working in new teams and environments. Part 1 of this article examines the cultural qualities enabling safe onboarding of new practitioners that encourage asking for assistance when uncertainty arises. Recommendations to encourage new hire questioning include mentor programs and scheduled supervisor conversations. Part 2 discusses the role of simulation to build skills in new staff to ensure medication safety.

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Ensuring competency and safety when onboarding newly hired professional staff. ISMP Medication Safety Alert! Acute care edition. April 20, 2023;28(8):1-4; May 4, 2023;23(9):1-3.