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Press Release/Announcement

Letter to Health Care Providers: Safe Use of Surgical Staplers and Staples.

Letter to Health Care Providers: Safe Use of Surgical Staplers and Staples. US Food and Drug Administration. October 7, 2021.

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October 7, 2021
US Food and Drug Administration. October 7, 2021.

Errors of commission during complex procedures can contribute to patient harm. Drawing from an analysis of medical device reports submitted to the Food and Drug Administration, this updated announcement seeks to raise awareness of common adverse events associated with surgical staplers and implantable staples. User-related problems include opening of the staple line, misapplied staples, and staple gun difficulties. Recommendations include ensuring availability of various staple sizes and avoiding use of staples on large blood vessels.

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Letter to Health Care Providers: Safe Use of Surgical Staplers and Staples. US Food and Drug Administration. October 7, 2021.