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Survey suggests possible downward trend in identifying key drugs/drug classes as high-alert medications.

Survey suggests possible downward trend in identifying key drugs/drug classes as high-alert medications. ISMP Medication Safety Alert! Acute care edition. July 3, 2014;19:1-3,5-6.

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July 16, 2014

ISMP Medication Safety Alert! Acute care edition. July 3, 2014;19:1-3,5-6.

This newsletter article describes the results of a survey of prescribers intended to determine high-alert medications. Of particular concern, fewer were labeled as such since the previous survey in 2012, with significant decreases in reports of injectable opioids and thrombolytics.

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Survey suggests possible downward trend in identifying key drugs/drug classes as high-alert medications. ISMP Medication Safety Alert! Acute care edition. July 3, 2014;19:1-3,5-6.