Surveys on Patient Safety Culture (SOPS) Hospital Survey 2.0: User Database Report.
Tyler ER, Yalden O, Fan L, et al. Surveys On Patient Safety Culture (Sops) Hospital Survey 2.0: User Database Report. Rockville, MD: Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality; November 2024. AHRQ Publication No. 25-0006
Instituting a culture of safety is fundamental to ensuring patient and staff safety. The AHRQ Surveys on Patient Safety Culture™ (SOPS®) Hospital Survey is a validated survey that has been widely used to assess patient safety culture since 2004. The 2024 report includes data from 445 hospitals. The highest “percent positive” composite measure scores include both effective teamwork and supervisor, manager, or clinical leader support for suggestions for improving patient safety and addressing patient safety concerns. Overall, when asked to rate their unit/work area on patient safety, 68% of respondents rate their unit/work area as “Excellent” or “Very Good.” This update includes a report focused on the workplace safety supplemental items.