Culture as a Cure: Assessments of Patient Safety Culture in OECD Countries.
Culture as a Cure: Assessments of Patient Safety Culture in OECD Countries. de Bienassisi K, Kristensenii S, Burtscheri M, et al for the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. Paris, France: OECD Publishing; 2020. OECD Health Working Papers, No. 119.
de Bienassisi K, Kristensenii S, Burtscheri M, et al for the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. Paris, France: OECD Publishing; 2020. OECD Health Working Papers, No. 119.
The assessment of patient safety culture is critical for understanding the success of organizational efforts to provide a foundation for improvement work. This report examines tools used in a variety of countries to assess culture and underscores the value that the assessment of culture can bring to understanding problems and implementing sustainable improvements.