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Press Release/Announcement

Use purple bracelets or wristbands only for do not resuscitate status - letter to industry.

Use purple bracelets or wristbands only for do not resuscitate status - letter to industry. Bethesda, MD: Food and Drug Administration; August 16, 2021.

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August 25, 2021

Bethesda, MD: Food and Drug Administration; August 16, 2021.

Lack of standardization in processes, devices, and colors contributes to errors and patient harm. This letter to industry calls for medical device manufactures to use standard colors for patient identification wristbands to minimize confusion regarding do-not-resuscitate status.

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Use purple bracelets or wristbands only for do not resuscitate status - letter to industry. Bethesda, MD: Food and Drug Administration; August 16, 2021.